Aubrey's Unusual Week:

  1. Impulsively visits Boca Raton for first time.

  2. Gets hit with massive head cold.

  3. Makes legit Zoom connection with delightful man in Nigeria (who did not want to transfer 30 million dollars immediately into her bank account.)

  4. Struggles to write first book proposal for book contest- a book about self-care and healing (written while needing self-care and healing)

  5. Takes 12 baths (not in a row)

  6. Blows nose until nostril skin is chapped and peeling.

  7. Grades student work at side job. Students get a many “Great, good, well done's." Aubrey is too sick and maxxed-out to get granular.

  8. Feels slightly fraudulent while writing 55 page book proposal about self-care and healing while needing self-care and healing.

  9. Reluctantly makes homemade dog food, feeling slightly sorry she ever started this routine. Dog will not stand for going back to kibble.

  10. Graduates from “intuitive guide school.” Wonders how in the world to start being an intuitive guide. Wonders if maybe she's already an intuitive guide. Wonders if maybe she should stop wondering how to be an intuitive guide and just intuitively guide herself on how to be an intuitive guide.

  11. Finishes & submit book proposal about self-care and healing with a massive headache from dehydration and lack of self-care and healing. Finally gets time for self-care and healing.

  12. Goes to bed at end of week both happy and completely drained by sickness and effort- but most things are completed and done well enough.

  13. Not everything is done. Wakes up at 2:30 am and violently throws up for an hour. Aubrey has no intuitive information for herself about why or what she's purging. Maybe some bad pesto and total exhaustion.

  14. Aubrey starts a new week hoping it's full of only welcome surprises

  15. Aubrey writes her weekly newsletter late but with love.


Wholeness & Healing


Creative Genius