Start Where You Are

We are in unprecedented times, astrologically. There are big shifts happening and no one has been alive to experience what some of these changes will bring, much less feel like. There is a collective “spider sense” that something is happening, but what?… it may feel overwhelming. Most people want peace and transformation- and these two things don't necessarily happen at the same time. 

What can we do to lessen our stress and navigate these transformational times with a sense of ease and joy? 

Start where you are. It's really the only option. Then, baby steps. One brick at a time. Bird by bird. Building blocks. It seems that a simple starting place is required to get anywhere and accomplish anything. Strong starts are rarely chaotic. “Simplicity” is fundamental to growth.

So start where you are and be aware of this moment. Just like we wake up every morning, we can wake up every moment. And then hope arrives from the awareness that we can, at ANY time, begin again, this very moment. Over and over and over.


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