0. Why Aubrey?
Embark upon an audio journey of improvisational creativity and deep dives into the healing arts with me, Aubrey. In this episode, I introduce myself and convey what to expect from this pod (sort of).
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Hi. Hi.
Hi, I'm Aubrey, and this is my podcast. Thus AUBREY the PODCAST.
I live in Florida.
Now. I'm kind of a Midwesterner who considers herself a Californian who grew up in Florida for a bit. My family and I moved to Florida to the town where I sort of grew up some of the time.
I was in Los Angeles for 27 years.
And I've spent the last, I'm not gonna use the actual number, let's just say 25 years, (but it's more) studying energy medicine, studying people through the lens of energy medicine, studying people's behavior and health and patterns and everything through the lens of energy.
I was an acupuncturist for 12 years. I had a private practice. I still use Chinese medicine every day.
I was a five element acupuncturist. I loved acupuncture. Still do.
I'm a Fung Shui consultant, which is basically acupuncture, but I'm also an interior designer, so all of these diagnostic arts converged in me. So I have this very strong creative side and this very strong diagnostic healing side.
I'm really interested in how human beings ...how we make our world, how we make our lives, how we identify with our roles, our place in this world, how we treat the world, how we consider ourselves a part of the world or not a part of the world.
I have been mediocre at business. And by business, I don't mean the craft of what I do.
I'm an astrologer presently, and I have been for a little bit over a decade. I'm great at the craft. I mean, I get better every day. I would say at one point I wasn't so great. I know Chinese medicine. I know astrology. I know design. But I have been mediocre at business, at the energy of business.
Why this is important is because what's prevented me from actually taking action in this sort of bizarre, "Hey, I think I'm gonna get a microphone and a camera and talk at it for a while," is because everyone said, "You gotta have a niche. You gotta have a niche."
And so I tried and I tried and I tried and I tried and I tried and I tried to X out certain parts of myself and it was, I just couldn't do that. And one day last year I said, "Screw it. I am gonna just do a podcast where I show up as me doing what I do, talking about what I talk about, which is very broad and I'm tired of doing it the way everybody tells you to do it.
I don't have a thematic topic that is tight and neat. I don't know what genre I fall into. Different days, it's going to be different things.
Overall, I am a person who is interested in people. I love human beings, and I love learning about how we work. I'm passionate about it because I feel that when people understand how they work, how they operate. What their constitutional root causes are for all sorts of scenarios and characteristics and situations in their lives, they generally feel better.
As an acupuncturist, I used to find the constitutional root cause for a headache or a back pain, or why someone was going blind. That's not to say I could diagnose it from a Western standpoint, but I would find the constitutional root cause of it from a Chinese medicine standpoint, and people got better.
Everybody is so unique, but as unique as we all are in the expression of who we are, who we fundamentally are, works in exactly the same way in every human being. We don't work any differently than a tree works or the weather or the cycle of the seasons. We work the same way. This is why Chinese medicine and astrology work as tools, as lenses to look at our lives.
And so I'll bring a lot of that thinking in. The closer we can get to understanding ourselves as a part of the natural ecology of the world, which we are completely forgetting every single moment of our lives. I forget it. You forget it. We all forget it. We all forget that we're actually attached to nature.
That we are nature. And I'll probably be exploring why that is. Like why do we always forget this? Because a snake doesn't forget. A monkey doesn't forget. My dog doesn't forget. A Daisy doesn't forget. Uh, a cloud doesn't forget.
We've got a consciousness problem that I'm interested in participating in solving.
So that's sort of what I, I care about. I care about awareness. I care that what I've worked so hard for is to understand and be aware, because the more I've become aware, the more I just freaking feel better. I'll leave that there.
So that's sort of about my like holistic background.
I also believe in creativity.
AUBREY the PODCAST is the ultimate act of improvisation on my part. I have a improv background. I was at the Groundlings for a long, long time. Went all the way through to the Sunday Company and have had great training there about the art of improvisation. I have a great appreciation for what improv can teach us about our lives in all scenarios.
And I would say, besides being a Pisces, and besides being spiritually minded, it was improv that really taught me about the beauty of, and the safety of playing in the unknown.
Again, I'm like anyone else where I like to control outcomes and worry about things and try to insert so much control and power over uncertain situations.
But I think I have a more resilient quality to bouncing back from that and seeing how, what an illusion it is to try to control the unknown because of improv.
So, that's a big piece of my creative past —and present. Because here I am, AUBREY the PODCAST not knowing what's gonna come out of my mouth, but I do trust that I'm hooked into a Deeper Intelligence, a more Divine Place of wisdom.
I believe we all are. And that's gonna be a big point of this podcast too, is to really explore different ways to see this and to understand this. And there are many teachers, well not many, I mean, I can count them on two hands, but there are a few special teachers that I'm going to draw from as I try to take a little journey through —I just used the word 'journey.'
Take a little, it's all about the journey. It's like the Bachelorette.
As I journey— I said it again. As I take a little meander through the world of the unknown and try to convey the beauty of it and try to help people who, who don't—we don't necessarily innately love uncertainty, and I believe that the more we trust ourselves and trust whatever you wanna call it, you can call it Nature, Divine Wisdom or God or the Source, or a Higher Power, or the Universe or the Field.
As soon as we can trust that it's there. And not only is it there, but that we're attached to it and made from it this energetic source that we can have a little more fun, free-falling through life and be creative as we're falling.
So that's what, this is—me falling.
That's what it feels like.
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