Breathwork 1/16/25
Welcome to Aubrey Thorne Wellness & Breathwork: modern strategies + ancient wisdom for better health. And a LOT more happiness!
Let’s do breathwork together. My classes are for total beginners, or been-there-done-that breathers. Try it once- you’ll feel amazing afterward- I can almost promise you that.
Please reach out to me if you have any questions or curiosities.
I'm SO happy you are here.
You already have everything you need for better health and more vitality. There is an incredible healing power in your body & it's easily activated by using your breath.
In Aubrey's breathwork sessions, we practice something called "Conscious Connected Breathing" which can catalyze MAJOR transformation in your Body, Mind, and Spirit- your WHOLE being.
Through this simple, yet powerful technique, you can release sabotaging thought patterns and stuck emotions. What your body innately knows how to do (when you support it) is let go of what is no longer serving you and allow joy, relaxation, and healing to infuse your whole system.
When we are joyful and relaxed, healing happens- we become ourselves again.
What you can experience from doing breathwork:
Decreased anxiety and stress
Unconscious blocks can clear
More joy
Strengthened immune system
More intuitive connection
Heightened connection to Spirit/God
Improved digestion
Improved sleep quality
Improved energy
Improved lung capacity
Faster healing and recovery
Increase in natural detoxification
Blocked emotions are released
Energy flows throughout your metal, emotional, and physical body
As babies, we know how to breath. As we grow, life throws us stressful situations and we struggle under all kinds of adverse circumstances- we have to adapt and survive.
In the process of adapting to life, our life force energy gets STUCK. However, our life force energy needs to FLOW like a river and if it cannot flow- if we are in survival mode too much, without restorative periods to rest and heal- we experience less than optimal health and happiness.
Breathwork is one of the most incredible tools I know of that helps us come truly ALIVE- when we come “online”and are fully alive, we can realize our fullest expression and potential.
The importance of our relationship to our breath is so central to how we feel- the key to transforming our mental and physical health is literally right under our nose!
The best news is: breathing is FREE.
So why do you need “breathwork classes?” Because we’ve all forgotten how to breathe well, and breathe deeply. We’ve lost the connection to our bodies, lost the pattern of action-recover-action-recover… Regular breathwork sessions retrain your nervous system and wake up your innate life force, allowing you to able to bring yourself back into a state of clarity, joy and flow.
You can transform yourself through the power of your own breath.
You can release old, stuck emotions and activate your life force in a way that feels so good, it’s hard to describe.
Welcome to breathwork, with Aubrey.