Breath WORK
“Breathwork” is becoming breath work.
As breathing practices are on the rise in popularity, people are doing what we human like to do again: turning basic common sense accessible, natural activities into a tool and techniques… On some level, this “tool & technique” tendency is making breathing seem inaccessible, when all we have to do is simply breathe more intentionally, consciously.
We only have to experience our breathing and pay attention to it just a little bit for us to become enamored with it.
Deep, full, conscious breathing is one of those thing that once you pay attention to it few times, it grabs your attention, and you want to pay attention to it more and more and more. It starts to feel good and becomes interesting. You realize how easy it is and that you can breathe well anywhere, anytime.
Just breathe. Fully, deeply, gently.
Breathe five times, ten times, one time.
Breathe into your belly only.
Then try breathing into your ribs only.
Play with it.
Try splitting your breath into two parts, first belly then chest.
How does that feel?
Then try chest first then belly.
How does that feel?
Try breathing to music.
This is “breathwork.”
It's fun, it feels so good, and it's transformative if you are consistent.
And it's not actually work.
By the way, do you know what the original meaning of “spiritual” is? It comes from the Latin word “Spirare," which means to breathe.